Low-End Struggles/Tweaks

Now that I have positioned my KRK monitors on the Iso Acoustic Stands, I am finding my ear is picking up on low-end things that before I wasn’t quite picking up on. A multitude of mixing techniques cloud this new phase for me, but I am finding some common techniques that seem to be the professional go-to checks and balances.

I was using Ozone 5 for only my small mastering needs for TV/Film critiques/submissions, but it seems the multi-band compressor and EQ modules can offer me the chance to help tighten the low end of my mixes prior to submitting for mastering. In addition, I am pulling back a tad on the frequency ranges known as the mud-range and a 1db polish on the high end. I really NEVER added anything on my master mix fader or bus prior to submitting to mastering, but this technique called by some the “mix polish”, may just be the polish I might need in some cases. Very lightly using this, very lightly…

An so the mixing goes…
